KGB Warning

New trend in the strategy of the Belarusian KGB: resisting the influence of Russian corporations in Belarus. This approach becomes obvious after reading the article “KGB Is Warning” published on the official website of KGB (the Belarusian secret service has kept the traditional soviet name).

06.07.2007 / 09:43

The official website of KGB (the Belarusian secret service has kept the traditional soviet name) publishes an interesting analytical article “KGB Is Warning”.

Despite of the somewhat dry style of the text, it is certainly worth reading. The main topic of the article is the protection of the state secrets. KGB accentuates the stable interest of foreign secret services towards Belarus. The main reason for that, according to KGB, is the economic interest.

According to the authors of the article, the main factor of this hostile interest towards Belarus is “the urge of certain foreign states to acquire access to the information of economic and military-strategic nature”.

“These attempts become especially active in the course of the country's integration into the international economy and the development of the good-neighbor relationships with the influential foreign partners. In some cases our rivals use strong financial potential in order to prevent Belarus from entering the world markets”.

“More and more often do the state security agencies come across the facts, when the representatives of foreign firms try to use subversive methods… Among the initiators of such actions are some foreign countries, as well as foreign private structures, the rivals of the Belarusian enterprises in the domestic and international market. As a rule, the executors of such actions are state security services, and special departments of large corporations, which employ former secret service agents, as well as the actual agents, working under cover. Such structures, for example, have been created in some foreign oil companies and airlines.

One should mention that there are no other international oil companies on the Belarusian market except the Russian ones.

“Now secret services pay major attention to Republic Belarus becoming an independent state, to its foreign policy, especially regarding its choice of strategic partners… The result of the unpunished activity of foreign secret services can be the increased resistance to the course of the Belarusian foreign policy, undermining its economy by drawing the country into non-profitable economic deals, irrational military cooperation, conducting scientific research in the dead-end spheres, foisting off the contracts on buying outdated and ecologically harmful production and technologies”.

Among other things, one can't help thinking: is it the project to build (cheap and fast) a nuclear power station with Russia as a partner which is being hinted at?

True, the article is written in the old soviet manner. However, one can definitely notice the evolution of the major Belarusian secret service towards the new understanding of the country's interests. One can even make a conclusion, that the activity of KGB is also aimed at resisting the influence of Russian corporations in Belarus.

NearBY, MB

NearBY, MB