Lukashenka's Ideologist Jailed

Uladzimer Kholad, one of the major Belarusian state propagandists, is arrested. He is charged with fraud and accepting a bribe. Is it another sign of the undercover war between KGB and the Ministry of Interior?

11.07.2007 / 16:06

Uładzimier Choład

Uladzimer Kholad disappeared last week. His colleagues from the Presidential Administration tried to convince the media that Mr. Kholad had gone on a business trip. However, on July 9 the Ministry of Interior officially stated that the major ideologist was detained a week before and is now officially charged with fraud and bribery (according to he was arrested while taking a bribe of $ 35,000).

Uladzimer Kholad is First Deputy of the Head of the Ideology Department, Head of the Department on Coordination of Ideology Work. He is also a member of the Central Election Committee. Uladzimer Kholad is believed to be an important link between the Election Committee and the Presidential Administration.

Some observers say, that the arrest of Uladzimer Kholad may also result into the sacking of Aleh Praliaskouski, boss of Uladzimer Kholad, and the chief ideologist of Lukashenka's regime (Praliaskouski is Head of the Ideology Department). It would be very much in the style of the manpower policy of Lukashenka to reveal corruption in some body of power and then fire its head.

Aleh Praliaskouski is a highly notorious figure. The repressions against the free press and non-governmental sector, especially in the field of culture, are often linked to him.

The arrest of Uladzimer Kholad may also suggest that the tension between the two rival ministries, KGB and Ministry of Interior, turns into a fully-fledged war for the influence in the country. Uladzimer Kholad was arrested by the Ministry of Interior. His boss Aleh Praliaskouski, however, has a KGB background. NearBY has recently reported about the audio recordings, which allegedly show Uladzimer Navumau, Minsiter of Interior, in a rather displeasing light. It is possible, that both the arrest and the recordings are the outbursts of the rivalry between the two ministries.
