Andrej Kabiakou: Lukashenka's New Right Hand

Who is country's second most influential official?

17.09.2012 / 15:15

Photo by TUT.BY

The Presidential Administration is the centre of the Belarusian regime. It controls all state bodies including the government and parliament. The head of the Presidential Administration is the right hand of the president.

On 27 August, Aliaksandr Lukashenka appointed Andrej Kabiakou, 52, to that very office.

Moscow-born Russian Kabiakou has been one of the closest people to the Belarusian ruler since 1990s. Some analysts predict that his appointment means that privatisation will soon come as well as increased Russian clout. Others believe that his loyalty to Moscow is exaggerated and he will faithfully work in the interests of Belarusian authorities.

Rocket false start

Lukashenka doesn’t mind Kabiakou’s Russian origin. Appointing Kabiakou to the position of ambassador in Moscow last December he emphasised: “Half of our officials are Russians”. Among them defence minister and head of president's security service. Foreign-born candidates are preferable also for another reason: according to the Constitution of Belarus they may not run for presidency. The Belarusian state has been an inclusive one in terms of ethnic diversity — it had even a Volga Tatar and an Azerbaijani among its ministers.

Kabiakou was born in 1960 in Moscow. His father was a political officer in the Soviet Air Force and served in Belarus. Therefore Andrej has lived in the country since he was three years old. He emphasised: “And what shall I do in Moscow? Right, I was born there, but since 1963 I lived here. I am not going to leave our country [Belarus].”

In 1983, Andrej graduated from prestigious Moscow Aviation Ordzhonikidze Institute with an engineering diploma in rocket and missile design. His dream was to build rockets. Yet, he had to work at Diaproektor factory in the Eastern Belarusian city of Rahachou. The enterprise produced optical mechanical equipment, including those used for military purposes.

In 1988, as other people became disappointed with the Communist party and some even publicly burned their Party certificates, Kabiakou went to work full-time for the party. First, he worked in the organisational department, then studied simultaneously at the High Party School and the Belarus State Economy Institute. That was false start in his carrier.

After Communist rule crumbled, he returned to the same factory in Rahachou. There he became friends with the factory deputy director Vasil Dauhaliou, who would bring Kabiakou to the top of Belarus ruling elite. Dauhaliou decided to work in 1994 for presidential candidate Lukashenka.

After Lukashenka's victory, he did not forget how Dauhaliou and his people helped him. In 1995, the president made Dauhaliou the Chairman of the Control Service of the President (later State Control Service), dubbed the “economic security service.” Kabiakou followed him as his deputy, then switched for a while to a post in Light Industry only to become in 1998 the Chairman of State Control Service himself.

Union State as a trap for the Russian bear

That was the right path to the top. In 2000, Kabiakou was appointed the deputy Prime Minister, in 2002 the Minister of the Economy, and in 2003 the vice Prime Minister. Among his tasks were financial issues and the Customs Union, which Belarus joined under Russian pressure. Yet it does not mean that his goal was to bring Belarus into Russia's orbit. Many integration initiatives pursued by Minsk were smart tricks to get badly needed Russian support for unreformed and unmodernised Belarusian economy.

In December 2011, Kabiakou became the ambassador to Russia. Immediately after the appointment he declared on Belarusian TV that his main priority would be establishment of the Single Economic Space. The Customs Union has created some serious problems for the Belarusian government as Russia has increasingly gained control over Belarusian reexports of reprocessed Russian oil – one of the vital sources of income for Belarus. The single Economic Space could restore Belarusian government this lucrative oil business.

In this context Kabiakou's words about the Single Economic Space sound ambiguous:

That is a higher stage of integration within the Customs Union. That is a stage where our fundamental problematic issues shall be solved, the issues which existed in our trade and economic relations. It concerns equal prices for gas, equal conditions in oil and oil products trade, etc.

Even more ambiguous were Kabiakou's statements in a December 2011 interview for Rossiyskaya Gazeta. He pathetically elaborated on advantages and achievements of “Union State of Belarus and Russia,” yet the double-dip character of this dubious political project is common knowledge.

The Union was launched in 1997 and allowed Russian elites to satisfy their emotional sentiments for the lost Soviet empire. Belarusian leadership used it pragmatically to extract from Kremlin exorbitant subsidies. Minsk managed to give nothing essential in return to Russia. Belarus spoke with brash slogans and resorted to unrealistic demands anytime Moscow tried to commit it to something. Thus, Lukashenka agreed to introduce a single currency if he was given opportunity to print money as well.

Putin's blood

As ambassador, Kabiakou not only proclaimed himself an “apologist of the Union State” playing on sentiments of Russian nationalists. He directly participated in very important negotiations for the Belarusian economy, among them those tied to oil export duties. Lukashenka was satisfied with his performance there.

Not only the Belarusian leader has noticed Kabiakou's defence of Belarusian interests. When Russian President Putin was visiting Belarus in May and saw Kabiakou at negotiations he made the following remark: “He has sucked so much blood out of me this past year — and now they sent him to us to Moscow to suck the rest out of me...”

Kabiakou is definitely not a grey official simply executing orders. In November 2007, as vice Prime Minister on economic issues, he made it to the headlines after shouting at Lukashenka. After the Belarusian ruler once again put forth a very questionable economic agenda, Kabiakou openly and very emotionally explained him that although Lukashenka could set “crazy tasks”, it would end in catastrophe. In a Belarusian context, this requires a lot of courage.

Is he working for Moscow?

What motivates the Moscow-born and educated Kabiakou to work for the Belarusian state? Shortly after being appointed the ambassador in Moscow he said that he “returned home.” But Kabiakou's Russian identity and loyalty is probably not particularly strong. There are Russians who underwent even more radical transformation and undersigned the Belarusian national project. Among them one of the leaders of national democrats in early 1990s and today's chairman of the Belarusian Language Society Alieh Trusau.

Personal ambition to get to the top might be also a crucial factor. Kabiakou has managed to do that in Lukashenka's Belarus and he is going to continue serving it. Furthermore, he might defend Belarus's interests even more relentlessly, just to prove that his loyalty lies with the government in Minsk rather than his native Moscow.

To dismiss Kabiakou as Moscow's man is to disregard evidence that proves the opposite. Of course, the murky waters of Belarusian establishment politics make it difficult to analyse. The opposition, however, shall look for possible allies in the future transformation of the country everywhere. This also means among the ruling elite without prejudices to someone's origin or rhetoric.