Kryminalnik pamiłavaŭ kryminalnikaŭ za ŭdzieł u sprobie zachopu im ułady.
Cha, Łukašenka prykładna toje ž samaje rabiŭ u 1999 hodzie paśla zatrymńnia mierkavanych vykanaŭcaŭ zabojstva, jakija zabili Juryja Zacharanku i Viktara Hančara. Łukašenka zahadaŭ usich adpusuić, a potym navat pavysiŭ ich u zvańni.
Značyć možna šturmavać, hanić i rabavać parłamient. Nu vo, Ryhoraviču na zamietku
Inohda nie do zakonov.
A voś i viernyja šturmaviki hatovyja. Zahartavanyja złačynstvam i turmoj.
Čubaty hviazdaboł
Pachan admazaŭ hapatu.
Kažietsia, Evan Ńjuman, kotoryj otkrył riestoran v Briestie, pojediet domoj)
Privožu dła primiera uhołovnoje dieło odnoho iz političieskich zaklučiennych osuždiennoho na 18 let . : Oath Keepers founder and president Stewart Rhodes – He NEVER went inside the US Capitol on January 6. – He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. – He was unarmed as were all of his Oath Keeper associates that day. – They left their weapons outside of the city in their hotel rooms. – There was no plan to enter the US Capitol. – The few Oath Keepers who entered the US Capitol assisted police. – There was no scheme to take over the government with their bare hands. – There were no pre-planning meetings on how they were going to take over the Capitol. – The prosecution was a sham. – There was no evidence of an insurrection – at all! – The jury was a pool of DC communists and unhinged left-wing activists who see themselves as victims. On był vypuŝien iz tiuŕmy včiera błahodaria pomiłovaniju Trampa.
Tramp pamiłavaŭ 1600 udzielnikaŭ šturmu Kapitolija
Zahartavanyja złačynstvam i turmoj.
Oath Keepers founder and president Stewart Rhodes
– He NEVER went inside the US Capitol on January 6.
– He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol.
– He was unarmed as were all of his Oath Keeper associates that day.
– They left their weapons outside of the city in their hotel rooms.
– There was no plan to enter the US Capitol.
– The few Oath Keepers who entered the US Capitol assisted police.
– There was no scheme to take over the government with their bare hands.
– There were no pre-planning meetings on how they were going to take over the Capitol.
– The prosecution was a sham.
– There was no evidence of an insurrection – at all!
– The jury was a pool of DC communists and unhinged left-wing activists who see themselves as victims.
On był vypuŝien iz tiuŕmy včiera błahodaria pomiłovaniju Trampa.