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Summertime essay with help of freebookez.com

As a teacher you may know that writing is a fantastic way for children to investigate more who they are and what they like or dislike. Their interest, thoughts and feeling expressed throughout writing will help to develop creativeness and to sharp school skills. The best topic ever for any school essay is summer holidays. Find more fabulous ideas and useful tips on http://www.freebookez.com/.

To get wonderful and interesting summertime essays supply kids with journal and impacting ideas. For example, you can ask them - What is the most important thing they are going to do this summer? What is your favorite game when you play outdoors in the summer? What is your favorite thing to do when you play inside? And what is the reason to play inside in the summertime? Ask them to note couple of sentences every day about the walk. If you see that it’s difficult for kids to find the ideas for essay, try to offer them to continue cause and effect sentences. Start from the simplest like «My lazy days cause my parents do It gets hotter and hotter and hotter and very soon everyone will Ask them to describe the effect of sunburn, pool and beach, time spent with parents.

Let your students to express their opinions about topics related to length of summer holidays, family vacation, camping, the ways people spend summertime. Help kids to plan their summer, discuss with them funny games on a beach, listen to tips about staying cool on hot, and tell them how it is important to make parents happy during summer vacation.

Explore idea of compare and contrast essay. Offer following topics: summer before air conditioning compared to summer now, summer for kids compared to summer for adults, a working summer comparing to a fun summer, summer for teachers vs. summer for students, current summer compared to last summer. 

All those great ideas you will find in books contained summer holiday writing activities. Download materials in PDF format and enjoy reading whenever you need it. Print out guides and keep them in classroom.



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