NearBY. Blog about Belarus11

Elections on Video

Everything you need to see about the parliamentary elections in Belarus.

Well, it seems like the West will not recognize Belarusian parliamentary elections as free and fair.

Indeed, this parliamentary elections campaign seemed to be much more relaxed than any previous one. There have been much less arrests, searches, even lashing out at the opposition in the state-controlled media was somewhat less acute. Still, the votes have been counted the same way as before. You want to see how it is being done? Take a look at this video. It was shot from the observers' point of view. According to Belarusian rules, the observers are not allowed to stand up and approach the table where the votes are counted. As a result, all you see is nice body forms of ladies counting the ballots.

No wonder, the results were quite predictable. Despite of many speculations that Lukashenka may allow some opposition candidates to get a seat in the parliament, not a single opposition politician was elected. On the election night, the October square in Minsk was filled with people. There were not too many of them, but the action was anything but boring.

It looked like a typical rally at first:

Then 2 tents appeared:

However, quite soon the tents were packed up and taken on a march in the direction of Independence square (with all the fires it was quite a sight!):

The marching people made a short stop near the KGB headquarters and then continued their walk to the square, finally reaching the Lenin statue. On the square, loudspeakers played some folk music, whic, combined with the sight of the rally, created qute a grotesque atmosphere.


«Hałoŭnaje — heta vopyt!» Łukašenka nazvaŭ, kaho bačyć nastupnym prezidentam14

«Hałoŭnaje — heta vopyt!» Łukašenka nazvaŭ, kaho bačyć nastupnym prezidentam

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