NearBY. Blog about Belarus

Minimum Life

According to the Ministry of Labor and Welfare, an average Belarusian citizen should be able to satisfy his needs with as little as $4.5 per day.

If you turn up in Belarus with $134 in your pocket, it should be enough for you to survive for the whole month. The Ministry of Labor and Welfare have set the monthly minimum living-wage at 289,110 Belarusian rubles ($134). In other words, one person should be able to ensure his physical existence with about $ 4.5 a day.

For Belarus, with its prices not radically different from that of Poland or Lithuania, this is quite an optimistic estimation of the people’s needs. Well, the guys at the Ministry of Labor and Welfare have all grounds to be optimistic: according to their information, government officials have the highest level of average monthly salary in Belarus - $515 (not including extra payments and services they enjoy). Farm workers with $210 a month are the lowest-paid category of Belarusians.


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