NearBY. Blog about Belarus

Lukashenka Creating the Power Party?

Will the Belarusian regime help “Belaya Rus” to become a major political force in the country?

The somewhat forgotten idea of creating the network of pro-Lukashenka citizens’ organizations “Belaya Rus” has received a new boost. Yesterday the establishing of the regional branch of the organization was initiated in Gomel region.

“Belaya Rus” was created in 2004 in Hrodna (Grodno). It’s major goal is “supporting the course of the country, uniting the progressive forces of society based on the Belarusian state ideology”. Officially, there are 12 000 members of “Belarya Rus” in Belarus with about 800 local offices.

There is not too much talk about the organization in the state media. However, the whole project may be aimed at creating the “power party”, the political organization, which will represent the interests of the regime.

So far there is no special political party, which the president could rely on. Lukashenka controls the state system, but in a political sense he is all by himself. Perhaps, creating the new party on the basis of “Belaya Rus” could be a first step to transition to the parliamentary system of the Russian type - with the hegemony of a regime-friendly party. Such a “parliamentary reform” would be something Lukashenka could bargain with the West about, without sacrificing too much of his authority.


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